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RooFit Toolkit for Data Modeling
 * Project: RooFit                                                           *
 * Package: RooFitBabar                                                      *
 *    File: $Id:,v 1.7 2005/06/20 15:51:06 wverkerke Exp $
 * Authors:                                                                  *
 *    Aaron Roodman, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University *
 *                                                                           *
 * Copyright (c) 2004, Stanford University. All rights reserved.        *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,                        *
 * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms        *
 * listed in LICENSE (             *

// The Parametric Step Function PDF is a binned distribution whose parameters 
// are the heights of each bin.  This PDF was first used in BaBar's B0->pi0pi0
// paper BABAR Collaboration (B. Aubert et al.) Phys.Rev.Lett.91:241801,2003.
// This PDF may be used to describe oddly shaped distributions.  It differs
// from a RooKeysPdf or a RooHistPdf in that a RooParametricStepFunction
// has free parameters.  In particular, any statistical uncertainty in 
// sample used to model this PDF may be understood with these free parameters;
// this is not possible with non-parametric PDFs.
// The RooParametricStepFunction has Nbins-1 free parameters. Note that
// the limits of the dependent varaible must match the low and hi bin limits.
// An example of usage is:
// Int_t nbins(10);
// TArrayD limits(nbins+1);
// limits[0] = 0.0; //etc...
// RooArgList* list = new RooArgList("list");
// RooRealVar* binHeight0 = new RooRealVar("binHeight0","bin 0 Value",0.1,0.0,1.0);
// list->add(binHeight0); // up to binHeight8, ie. 9 parameters
// RooParametricStepFunction  aPdf = ("aPdf","PSF",*x,
//                                    *list,limits,nbins);

#include "RooFitCore/RooFit.hh"

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include <math.h>

#include "RooFitModels/RooParametricStepFunction.hh"
#include "RooFitCore/RooAbsReal.hh"
#include "RooFitCore/RooRealVar.hh"
#include "RooFitCore/RooArgList.hh"


 RooParametricStepFunction::RooParametricStepFunction(const char* name, const char* title, 
			     RooAbsReal& x, const RooArgList& coefList, TArrayD& limits, Int_t nBins) :
  RooAbsPdf(name, title),
  _x("x", "Dependent", this, x),
  _coefList("coefList","List of coefficients",this),
  // Constructor
  _coefIter = _coefList.createIterator() ;

  // Check lowest order
  if (_nBins<0) {
    cout << "RooParametricStepFunction::ctor(" << GetName() 
	 << ") WARNING: nBins must be >=0, setting value to 0" << endl ;
    _nBins=0 ;

  TIterator* coefIter = coefList.createIterator() ;
  RooAbsArg* coef ;
  while((coef = (RooAbsArg*)coefIter->Next())) {
    if (!dynamic_cast<RooAbsReal*>(coef)) {
      cout << "RooParametricStepFunction::ctor(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: coefficient " << coef->GetName() 
	   << " is not of type RooAbsReal" << endl ;
      assert(0) ;
    _coefList.add(*coef) ;
  delete coefIter ;

  // Bin limits  


 RooParametricStepFunction::RooParametricStepFunction(const RooParametricStepFunction& other, const char* name) :
  RooAbsPdf(other, name), 
  _x("x", this, other._x), 
  // Copy constructor
  _coefIter = _coefList.createIterator();

  // Destructor
  delete _coefIter ;

 Int_t RooParametricStepFunction::getAnalyticalIntegral(RooArgSet& allVars, RooArgSet& analVars, const char* /*rangeName*/) const 
  if (matchArgs(allVars, analVars, _x)) return 1;
  return 0;

 Double_t RooParametricStepFunction::analyticalIntegral(Int_t code, const char* /*rangeName*/) const 
  assert(code==1) ;

  // WVE needs adaptation for integration over sub ranges

  Double_t sum(1.0) ;
  return sum;  

 Double_t RooParametricStepFunction::evaluate() const 
  Double_t xval(0.);
  xval = _x;
  Double_t value(0.);
  if (_x >= _limits[0] && _x < _limits[_nBins]){

    for (Int_t i=1;i<=_nBins;i++){
      if (_x < _limits[i]){
	// in Bin i-1 (starting with Bin 0)
	if (i<_nBins) {
	  // not in last Bin
	  RooRealVar* tmp = (RooRealVar*);
	  value =  tmp->getVal();
	} else {
	  // in last Bin
	  Double_t sum(0.);
	  Double_t binSize(0.);
	  for (Int_t j=1;j<_nBins;j++){
	    RooRealVar* tmp = (RooRealVar*);
	    binSize = _limits[j] - _limits[j-1];
	    sum = sum + tmp->getVal()*binSize;
	  binSize = _limits[_nBins] - _limits[_nBins-1];
	  value = (1.0 - sum)/binSize;
	  if (value<=0.0){
	    value = 0.000001;
	    //	    cout << "RooParametricStepFunction: sum of values gt 1.0 -- beware!!" <<endl;

  return value;


 Int_t RooParametricStepFunction::getnBins(){
  return _nBins;

 Double_t* RooParametricStepFunction::getLimits(){
  Double_t* limoutput = _limits.GetArray();
  return limoutput;
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