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RooFit Toolkit for Data Modeling
#include "RooCategoryProxy.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class RooCategoryProxy : public RooArgProxy

Inheritance Chart:

RooAbsCategoryLValue* lvptr() const public:
RooCategoryProxy() RooCategoryProxy(const char* name, const char* desc, RooAbsArg* owner, RooAbsCategory& ref, Bool_t valueServer = kTRUE, Bool_t shapeServer = kFALSE, Bool_t proxyOwnsArg = kFALSE) RooCategoryProxy(const char* name, RooAbsArg* owner, const RooCategoryProxy& other) RooCategoryProxy(const RooCategoryProxy&) virtual ~RooCategoryProxy() const RooAbsCategory& arg() const static TClass* Class() virtual TObject* Clone(const char* newName = "0") const Bool_t hasRange(const char* rangeName) const virtual TClass* IsA() const char* operator const char*() const Int_t operator Int_t() const RooCategoryProxy& operator=(Int_t index) RooCategoryProxy& operator=(const char* label) RooCategoryProxy& operator=(const RooCategoryProxy&) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Class Description

 RooCategoryProxy is the concrete proxy for RooAbsCategory objects
 A RooCategoryProxy is the general mechanism to store references
 to RooAbsCategoriess inside a RooAbsArg

 RooCategoryProxy provides a cast operator to Int_t and 'const char*', allowing
 the proxy to functions a Int_t/'const char*' on the right hand side of expressions.

RooCategoryProxy(const char* name, const char* desc, RooAbsArg* owner, RooAbsCategory& ref, Bool_t valueServer, Bool_t shapeServer, Bool_t ownArg) : RooArgProxy(name, desc, owner, ref, valueServer, shapeServer, ownArg)
 Constructor with owner and proxied category object

RooCategoryProxy(const char* name, RooAbsArg* owner, const RooCategoryProxy& other) : RooArgProxy(name, owner, other)
 Copy constructor


Inline Functions

             RooCategoryProxy RooCategoryProxy(const char* name, RooAbsArg* owner, const RooCategoryProxy& other)
                     TObject* Clone(const char* newName = "0") const
                        Int_t operator Int_t() const
                        char* operator const char*() const
        const RooAbsCategory& arg() const
                       Bool_t hasRange(const char* rangeName) const
        RooAbsCategoryLValue* lvptr() const
            RooCategoryProxy& operator=(Int_t index)
            RooCategoryProxy& operator=(const char* label)
                      TClass* Class()
                      TClass* IsA() const
                         void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                         void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                         void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
             RooCategoryProxy RooCategoryProxy(const RooCategoryProxy&)
            RooCategoryProxy& operator=(const RooCategoryProxy&)
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