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RooFit Toolkit for Data Modeling
#include "RooCustomizer.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class RooCustomizer : public TNamed, public RooPrintable

Inheritance Chart:

RooCustomizer(const RooCustomizer&) RooAbsArg* doBuild(const char* masterCatState, Bool_t verbose) void initialize() public:
RooCustomizer(const RooAbsArg& pdf, const RooAbsCategoryLValue& masterCat, RooArgSet& splitLeafList) RooCustomizer(const RooAbsArg& pdf, const char* name) virtual ~RooCustomizer() RooAbsArg* build(const char* masterCatState, Bool_t verbose = kFALSE) RooAbsArg* build(Bool_t verbose = kFALSE) static TClass* Class() const RooArgSet& cloneBranchList() const const RooArgSet& cloneLeafList() const virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual void Print(Option_t* options = "0") const virtual void printToStream(ostream& os, RooPrintable::PrintOption opt = Standard, TString indent = ) const void replaceArg(const RooAbsArg& orig, const RooAbsArg& subst) void setCloneBranchSet(RooArgSet& cloneBranchSet) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void splitArg(const RooAbsArg& arg, const RooAbsCategory& splitCat) void splitArgs(const RooArgSet& argSet, const RooAbsCategory& splitCat) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Bool_t _sterile TString _name TList _splitArgList TList _splitCatList TList _replaceArgList TList _replaceSubList RooAbsArg* _masterPdf RooAbsCategoryLValue* _masterCat TIterator* _masterLeafListIter TIterator* _masterBranchListIter RooArgSet _masterBranchList RooArgSet _masterLeafList RooArgSet _internalCloneBranchList RooArgSet* _cloneBranchList RooArgSet* _cloneNodeList

Class Description

 RooCustomizer is a factory class to produce clones
 of a prototype composite PDF object with the same structure but
 different leaf servers (parameters or dependents)

 RooCustomizer supports two kinds of modifications:

 -> replace(leaf_arg,repl_arg)
 replaces each occurence of leaf_arg with repl_arg in the composite pdf.

 -> split(split_arg)
 is used when building multiple clones of the same prototype. Each
 occurrence of split_arg is replaceed with a clone of split_arg
 named split_arg_[MCstate], where [MCstate] is the name of the
 'master category state' that indexes the clones to be built.


 Splitting is particularly useful when building simultaneous fits to
 subsets of the data sample with different background properties.
 In such a case, the user builds a single prototype PDF representing
 the structure of the signal and background and splits the dataset
 into categories with different background properties. Using
 RooCustomizer a PDF for each subfit can be constructed from the
 prototype that has same structure and signal parameters, but
 different instances of the background parameters: e.g.

     RooExponential bg("bg","background",x,alpha) ;
     RooGaussian sig("sig","signal",x,mean,sigma) ;
     RooAddPdf pdf("pdf","pdf",sig,bg,sigfrac) ;

     RooDataSet data("data","dataset",RooArgSet(x,runblock),...)

     RooCategory runblock("runblock","run block") ;
     runblock.defineType("run1") ;
     runblock.defineType("run2") ;

     RooArgSet splitLeafs
     RooCustomizer cust(pdf,runblock,splitLeafs)

     RooAbsPdf* pdf_run1 ="run1") ;
     RooAbsPdf* pdf_run2 ="run2") ;

     RooSimultaneous simpdf("simpdf","simpdf",RooArgSet(*pdf_run1,*pdf_run2))

 If the master category state is a super category, leafs may be split
 by any subset of that master category. E.g. if the master category
 is 'A x B', leafs may be split by A, B or AxB.

 In addition to replacing leaf nodes, RooCustomizer clones all branch
 nodes that depend directly or indirectly on modified leaf nodes, so
 that the input pdf is untouched by each build operation.

 The customizer owns all the branch nodes including the returned top
 level node, so the customizer should live as longs as the cloned
 composites are needed.

 Any leaf nodes that are created by the customizer will be put into
 the leaf list that is passed into the customizers constructor (splitLeafs in
 the above example. The list owner is responsible for deleting these leaf
 nodes after the customizer is deleted.

 [Advanced techniques]

 By default the customizer clones the prototype leaf node when splitting a leaf,
 but the user can feed pre-defined split leafs in leaf list. These leafs
 must have the name <split_leaf>_<splitcat_label> to be picked up. The list
 of pre-supplied leafs may be partial, any missing split leafs will be auto

 Another common construction is to have two prototype PDFs, each to be customized
 by a separate customizer instance, that share parameters. To ensure that
 the customized clones also share their respective split leafs, i.e.

   PDF1(x,y;A) and PDF2(z,A)   ---> PDF1_run1(x,y,A_run1) and PDF2_run1(x,y,A_run1)
                                    PDF1_run2(x,y,A_run2) and PDF2_run2(x,y,A_run2)

 feed the same split leaf list into both customizers. In that case the second customizer
 will pick up the split leafs instantiated by the first customizer and the link between
 the two PDFs is retained

RooCustomizer(const RooAbsArg& pdf, const RooAbsCategoryLValue& masterCat, RooArgSet& splitLeafs) : TNamed(pdf.GetName(),pdf.GetTitle()), _sterile(kFALSE), _masterPdf((RooAbsArg*)&pdf), _masterCat((RooAbsCategoryLValue*)&masterCat), _masterBranchList("masterBranchList"), _masterLeafList("masterLeafList"), _internalCloneBranchList("cloneBranchList"), _cloneNodeList(&splitLeafs)
 Constructor with masterCat state. Customizers created by this constructor offer the full functionality

RooCustomizer(const RooAbsArg& pdf, const char* name) : TNamed(pdf.GetName(),pdf.GetTitle()), _sterile(kTRUE), _name(name), _masterPdf((RooAbsArg*)&pdf), _masterCat(0), _masterBranchList("masterBranchList"), _masterLeafList("masterLeafList"), _internalCloneBranchList("cloneBranchList"), _cloneNodeList(0)
 Sterile Constructor. Customizers created by this constructor offer only the replace() method. The supplied
 'name' is used as suffix for any cloned branch nodes

void initialize()
 Initialization function


void splitArgs(const RooArgSet& set, const RooAbsCategory& splitCat)
 Split all args in 'set' by 'splitCat' states. 'splitCats' must be subset of
 or equal to the master category supplied in the customizer constructor.

 Splitting is only available on customizers created with a master index category

void splitArg(const RooAbsArg& arg, const RooAbsCategory& splitCat)
 Split 'arg' by 'splitCat' states. 'splitCats' must be subset of
 or equal to the master category supplied in the customizer constructor.

 Splitting is only available on customizers created with a master index category

void replaceArg(const RooAbsArg& orig, const RooAbsArg& subst)
 Replace any occurence of arg 'orig' with arg 'subst'

RooAbsArg* build(Bool_t verbose)
 Build a clone of the prototype executing all registered 'replace' rules
 If verbose is set a message is printed for each leaf or branch node
 modification. The returned composite arg is owned by the customizer

RooAbsArg* build(const char* masterCatState, Bool_t verbose)
 Build a clone of the prototype executing all registered 'replace' rules
 and 'split' rules for the masterCat state named 'masterCatState'.
 If verbose is set a message is printed for each leaf or branch node
 modification. The returned composite arg is owned by the customizer.
 This function cannot be called on customizer build with the sterile constructor.

RooAbsArg* doBuild(const char* masterCatState, Bool_t verbose)
 Protected build engine
   RooAbsArg::setDirtyInhibit(kTRUE) ;

void printToStream(ostream& os, PrintOption /*opt*/, TString indent) const

void setCloneBranchSet(RooArgSet& cloneBranchSet)

Inline Functions

        const RooArgSet& cloneBranchList() const
        const RooArgSet& cloneLeafList() const
                    void Print(Option_t* options = "0") const
           RooCustomizer RooCustomizer(const RooCustomizer&)
                 TClass* Class()
                 TClass* IsA() const
                    void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                    void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                    void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Last CVS Update: v 1.22 2005/12/08 13:19:54 wverkerke Top
Copyright © 2000-2005 University of California, Stanford University

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